The GCC Library / Phillip J. Moloso Music Collection
Note: This collection is located primarily at the GCC Main Campus Library.
Generous Donation from the Estate of Phillip J. Moloso

The Phillip J. Moloso Music Collection was made possible by a generous donation from the estate of Phillip J. Moloso in accord with his wishes.
The donation includes as many as 45,000 mostly classical and operatic CD titles as well as hundreds of music-related DVDs, musical scores, and books. A collection of 5,000 CDs opened in the library in November 2017. As of February 2020, the CD collection held at GCC Main and North totaled more than 16,000 titles. Much of the remainder of Mr. Moloso's extensive collection will be made available over the next several years.
When completely processed, the collection will be one of the largest publicly available CD collections in the Southwest. The collection is a vast resource for the GCC music department and for all Maricopa Community Colleges.
About Phillip J. Moloso

Phillip J. Moloso served as faculty at Glendale Community College form 1966 to 2002. He was a librarian, a professor of business, CIS, and mathematics, and a department chair. He also served on the Faculty Senate.
Upon his retirement, Mr. Moloso returned to GCC as a student, learning the bassoon, oboe, and guitar while continuing to play the harpsichord and piano. He composed Kindertoten II, which was performed by the GCC Guitar Ensemble in 2010.
Music Collection Description
Glendale Community College Library has extensive music holdings featuring a growing recorded music collection of more than 16,000 titles on CD*. The recorded music collection focuses on Western Classical Music but also includes jazz and blues, world music, and popular musical forms such as musicals, hip-hop, folk music, rock music, etc.
In addition to recorded music, the library provides access to more than 1000 music-related monographs in the general circulating collection and nearly 100 music-related volumes in the reference collection. Additionally, over ten-thousand music-related eBooks are available to GCC affiliates and library users through online book collections including Ebsco eBooks.
Library users may also checkout nearly hundreds of scores and 200 music-related DVDs in the Music Room as well as more than two thousand music-related streaming videos through various video subscription services including Films on Demand. Faculty have access to additional streaming video resources through Kanopy.
Music-focused online resources include subscriptions to three core music reference databases including Grove Music Online, The Oxford Companion to Music, and The Oxford Dictionary of Music.
Additionally, the library subscribes to several databases that provide access to music periodicals including - but not limited to - Entertainment Industry Magazine Archive, Humanities Source, and several general periodical databases. The library provides access to nearly 300 music periodicals including nearly 150 currently published titles. About a dozen, mostly instrument-oriented music magazines, will be available in the music room beginning in 2020.
Both in-library CD players as well as CD players suitable for check-out are available at the library.
* Thanks to a generous donation by the Phillip J. Moloso estate, thousands of CDs will be made increasingly available at Glendale Community College Library over the next several years. In addition to CDs, the donation includes hundreds of books and scores.