| AM7. L48 2015 | | Artifacts and allegiances : how museums put the nation and the world on display |
| B741.B56 2015 | | The biographical encyclopedia of Islamic philosophy |
| B741.J29 2014 | | What is Islamic philosophy? |
| BF176.5.R83 2014 | | Dataclysm : love, sex, race, and identity-- what our online lives tell us about our offline selves |
| BF575.F2J444 2007b | | Feel the fear-- and do it anyway |
| BF637.S8C37 2009 | | How to win friends and influence people |
| BF723.C8E54 2015 | | The hungry mind : the origins of curiosity in childhood |
| BF1548.A46 2014 | | The Devil : a new biography |
| BL65.V57G47 2014 | | Virtually sacred : myth and meaning in world of warcraft and second life |
| BL80.3.L43 2014 | | The anthropology of Western religions : ideas, organizations, and constituencies |
| BL98.E24 2015 | | Culture and the death of God |
| BL625.9.G39H37 2014 | | Slouching towards gaytheism : Christianity and queer survival in America |
| BL1171.G87 2014 | | Gurus of modern yoga |
| BL1575.E94 2013 | | The everlasting flame : Zoroastrianism in history and imagination |
| BL2441.3.S53 2014 | | The Egyptian myths : a guide to the ancient gods and legends |
| BL2525.C68 2014 | | Politics and religion in the United States |
| BL2747.6.K58 2014 | | Life after faith : the case for secular humanism |
| BP75.3.A454 2014 | | The Lives of Muhammad |
| BP130.45.B57 2014 | | Qur'an in conversation |
| BP134.J37S27 2015 | | Islam's Jesus |
| BP161.3.L368 2014 | | Controversies in contemporary Islam |
| BP193.5.H25 2014 | | Shi'i Islam : an introduction |
| BQ7935.B774B85 2014 | | Buddhism : one teacher, many traditions |
| BR127.H36 2014 | | Handbook of religion : a Christian engagement with traditions, teachings, and practices |
| BR162.3.M33 2015 | | Medieval Christianity : a new history |
| BR165.F77 2014 | | The Jesus movement and its expansion : meaning and mission |
| BR305.3.O94 2015 | | The Oxford illustrated history of the Reformation |
| BR515.C69 2014 | | American Christianity : the continuing revolution |
| BR516.L96 2015 | | God and government : twenty-five years of fighting for equality, secularism, and freedom of conscience |
| BR517.G37 2014 | | Progressive evangelicals and the pursuit of social justice |
| BR563.N4C47 2014 | | Breaking bread, breaking beats : churches and hip-hop : a basic guide to key issues |
| BR1640.S88 2014 | | American apocalypse : a history of modern evangelicalism |
| BR1642.U5G47 2011 | | Seeking the straight and narrow : weight loss and sexual reorientation in evangelical America |
| BR1725.K335A3 2010 | | Every other Monday : twenty years of life, lunch, faith, and friendship |
| BS580.D3W65 2014 | | David : the divided heart |
| BS1285.52.C66 2014 | | The ten commandments : a short history of an ancient text |
| BS2545.T45J47 2014 | | Jesus and Temple : textual and archaeological explorations |
| BS2840.B87 2013 | | Secret scriptures revealed : a new introduction to the Christian Apocrypha |
| BT771.3.Y33 2013 | | Against dogmatism : dwelling in faith and doubt |
| BV652.23.T85 2007 | | Shopping for God : how Christianity went from in your heart to in your face |
| BX1070.B37 2015 | | The clergy in the medieval world : secular clerics, their families and careers in north-western Europe, c. 800-c. 1200 |
| BX1754.M295 2015 | | Catholicism today : an introduction to the contemporary Catholic Church |
| BX4827.K53B87 2015 | | Martin Luther King, Jr., and the theology of resistance |
| BX5195.D9D87 2015 | | Durham Cathedral : history, fabric and culture |
| CB245.T88 2014 | | European intellectual history from Rousseau to Nietzsche |
| CR113.5.P75 2004 | | Rally 'round the flag, boys! : South Carolina and the confederate flag |
| DA650.W535 2015 | | Great Britain |
| DS33.1.W45 2015 | | Life along the Silk Road |
| DS70.5.U7C73 2015 | | Ur : the city of the moon god |
| DS108.5.D37 1994 | | A day in the life of Israel |
| DS247.Q35K36 2015 | | Qatar : small state, big politics : with a new preface |
| DS705.H368 2015 | | China |
| DS786.M384 2015 | | Tibet. |
| DT2.A27 2013 | | Africa. |
| DT45.E376 2015 | | Egypt |
| E98.E85K45 2014 | | Tradition, performance, and religion in native America : ancestral ways, modern selves |
| E161.P66 2013 | | Popular culture in American history |
| E169.12.S73 2015 | | The state of the American mind : [16 leading critics on the new anti-intellectualism] |
| E444.S55 2014 | | Slave culture : a documentary collection of the slave narratives from the Federal Writers' Project |
| E457.25.L55M385 2015 | | Mary Lincoln : southern girl, northern woman |
| E470.C594 2015 | | The Civil War guerrilla : unfolding the black flag in history, memory, and myth |
| E855.P468 2015 | | The invisible bridge : the fall of Nixon and the rise of Reagan |
| E876.R676 2015 | | The Reagan Era : a History of the 1980s |
| E901.1.R83R65 2015 | | The rise of Marco Rubio |
| F316.23.B87C74 2010 | | Jeb Bush : aggressive conservatism in Florida |
| F379.N59N437 2015 | | Defying Jim Crow : African American community development and the struggle for racial equality in New Orleans, 1900-1960 |
| F548.9.N4C438 2015 | | South side girls : growing up in the great migration |
| F799.H46 2015 | | Juan Bautista de Anza : the King's Governor in New Mexico |
| F1621.H55 2011 | | A concise history of the Caribbean |
| F1621.M38 2010 | | Mosquito empires : ecology and war in the Greater Caribbean, 1620-1914 |
| F1789.N3B533 2015 | | Black and Cuba |
| F2175.C325 2011 | | The Caribbean : a history of the region and its peoples |
| F2211.S78 2013 | | South America on a shoestring |
| F2299.B55M35 2014 | | The work of recognition : Caribbean Colombia and the postemancipation struggle for citizenship |
| GT2949.W36 2015 | | Chopsticks : a cultural and culinary history |
| GV1201.34.P87 2015 | | From playgrounds to PlayStation : the interaction of technology and play |
| GV1631.M35 2010 | | Making Caribbean dance : continuity and creativity in island cultures |
| H61.S4435 2015 | | The SAGE dictionary of qualitative inquiry |
| HA35.C66 2014 | | Developing quantitative literacy skills in history and the social sciences : a web-based common core standards approach |
| HB74.P65H34 2014 | | The ABCs of political economy : a modern approach |
| HB172.A94 2005 | | Microeconomics : explore & apply |
| HB501.S8922 2015 | | Economics for everyone : a short guide to the economics of capitalism |
| HD30.3.C658 2015 | | Organizational discourse : communication and constitution |
| HD53.K37 2010 | | Intellectual capital : forty years of the Nobel Prize in Economics |
| HD9114.W47P37 2012 | | The sugar barons : family, corruption, empire, and war in the West Indies. |
| HD9144.C92C67 2015 | | The golden leaf : how tobacco shaped Cuba and the Atlantic world |
| HF5415.153.C62 2015 | | Prototype to product |
| HF5718.22.G353 2014 | | Talk like TED : the 9 public-speaking secrets of the world's top minds |
| HM851.D63 2011 | | Context |
| HN90.M6K37 2007 | | Stand for something : the battle for America's soul |
| HQ75.16.U6U53 2014 | | Understanding and teaching U.S. lesbian, gay, bisexual, and transgender history |
| HV4046.B35F47 2015 | | The hero's fight : African Americans in West Baltimore and the shadow of the state |
| HV6295.S29B3313 2015 | | 1000 lashes : because I say what I think |
| HV6322.7.M63 2015 | | Modern genocide : the definitive resource and document collection |
| HV6489.C2T48 1996 | | Hell's angels : a strange and terrible saga |
| HV8059.S6247 2015 | | Arms : the culture and credo of the gun |
| JK1899.S8M36 2015 | | Lucy Stone : an unapologetic life |
| JQ1758.A91C63 2013 | | Democracy in the Middle East : the impact of religion and education |
| JV151.T56 2015 | | Crises of empire : decolonization and Europe's imperial states |
| KF352.W478 2014 | | American legal history : a very short introduction |
| KF2750.S34 2015 | | The SAGE guide to key issues in mass media ethics and law |
| KF4770.D47 2015 | | The challenges of mandating school uniforms in the public schools : free speech, research, and policy |
| L901.P58 2012 | | Colleges that change lives : 40 schools that will change the way you think about colleges |
| LA217.2.M366 2014 | | Deeper learning : how eight innovative public schools are transforming education in the twenty-first century |
| LA229.B24 2012 | | What the best college students do |
| LA229.C43 2014 | | How college works |
| LB15.I565 2013 | | International education : an encyclopedia of contemporary issues and systems |
| LB1027.23.M24 2014 | | Making space for active learning : the art and practice of teaching |
| LB1028.3.B427 2014 | | Understanding and creating digital texts : an activity-based approach |
| LB1028.3.B69 2012 | | Teaching naked : how moving technology out of your college classroom will improve student learning |
| LB1028.3.G44 2013 | | The anti-education era : creating smarter students through digital learning |
| LB1028.3.M415 2014 | | Learning online : what research tells us about whether, when and how |
| LB1028.5.C624 2014 | | Constructing the self in a digital world |
| LB1029.G3N465 2014 | | New traditional games for learning : a case book |
| LB1044.9.C59B76 2014 | | Wham! : teaching with graphic novels across the curriculum |
| LB1050.O46 2014 | | The invisible classroom : relationships, neuroscience & mindfulness in school |
| LB1065.R387 2014 | | The way of mindful education : cultivating well-being in teachers and students |
| LB1584.S6373 2014 | | The social studies curriculum : purposes, problems, and possibilities |
| LB1620.5.N86 2014 | | Defining student success : the role of school and culture |
| LB1707.M27 2014 | | Preparing for the classroom : what teachers really think about teacher education |
| LB1707.S44 2011 | | Strong community service learning : philosophical perspectives |
| LB2157.U5M37 2011 | | Into the classroom : a practical guide for starting student teaching |
| LB2331.72.B684 2015 | | Locus of authority : the evolution of faculty roles in the governance of higher education |
| LB2337.4.T355 2015 | | 501 ways for adult students to pay for college : going back to school without going broke |
| LB2806.36.K35 2014 | | A smarter charter : finding what works for charter schools and public education |
| LB2826.6.A34M35 2012 | | Education in Sub-Saharan Africa : a comparative analysis |
| LB3013.B743 2014 | | Breaking the mold of classroom management : what educators should know and do to enable student success |
| LB3013.J46 2012 | | Effective classroom turnaround : practice makes permanent |
| LB3048.A65P65 2012 | | The politics of education reform in the Middle East : self and other in textbooks and curricula |
| LB3060.83.C36 2012 | | Pathways to the common core : accelerating achievement |
| LB3081.S48 2014 | | Fixing truancy now : inviting students back to class |
| LB3430.D53 2014 | | The teacher's guide to student mental health |
| LB3609.M27 2012 | | Cheating in college : why students do it and what educators can do about it |
| LC1203.M65G33 2014 | | Inclusive education in the Middle East |
| LC2669.U27 2014 | | U.S. Latinos and education policy : research-based directions for change |
| LC3981.K33 2012 | | Cultural reciprocity in special education : building family-professional relationships |
| LC5131.S375 2013 | | Schooling Hip-Hop : expanding Hip-Hop based education across the curriculum |
| LC5141.F35 2012 | | Teaching matters : stories from inside city schools |
| ML3477.J667 2015 | | Reinventing Dixie : Tin Pan Alley's songs and the creation of the mythic South |
| ML3916.C655 2015 | | Pop Grenade : from Public Enemy to Pussy Riot : dispatches from musical frontlines / Matthew Collin. |
| N5303.D53 2013 | | The handy art history answer book |
| NC825.F25A44 2014 | | The compendium of fantasy art techniques : the step-by -step guide to creating fantasy worlds, mythical characters, and the creatures of your own worst nightmares |
| ND1500.J38 2014 | | The complete artist's manual : the definitive guide to painting and drawing |
| P87.5.C66 2015 | | The concise encyclopedia of communication |
| PC4591.A43 2000 | | Diccionario de sinónimos, antónimos e ideas afines |
| PN171.F56L55 2011 | | Cite right : a quick guide to citation styles--MLA, APA, Chicago, the sciences, professions, and more |
| PN605.I8M88 2014 | | The politics of writing Islam : voicing difference |
| PN1993.5.I8J673 2015 | | Bollywood's India : a public fantasy |
| PN1995.9.B795G74 2014 | | Buddhism goes to the movies : introduction to Buddhist thought and practice |
| PN1997.2.F756 2014 | | Frontera |
| PN1997.2.L53 2015 | | Libertador = The liberator |
| PN1997.2.M44 2015 | | McFarland, USA |
| PN1997.2.U53 2015 | | Unbroken |
| PN1997.2.U53 2015B | | Unbroken |
| PN1997.2.W553 2015 | | Relatos salvajes = Wild tales |
| PN1997.C35139 2002 | | Camila |
| PN1997.L668475 2004 | | Lorenzo's oil |
| PN2287.D325A3 2015 | | You're never weird on the Internet (almost) : a memoir |
| PN4783.K558 2010 | | Journalistic writing : building the skills, honing the craft |
| PN6084.W6M35 2013 | | Wise women : wit and wisdom from some of the world's most extraordinary women |
| PN6710.C6675 2014 | | Comics through time : a history of icons, idols, and ideas |
| PN6710.M27 2013 | | Manga : introduction, challenges, and best practices |
| PN6710.M335 1994 | | Understanding comics : the invisible art |
| PN6725.H69 2012 | | Marvel Comics : the untold story |
| PN6728.A1L53 2014 | | Liberty |
| PQ3989.3.D365M4813 2015 | | The Meursault investigation |
| PQ6352.G65 2015 | | Cervantes' Don Quixote |
| PR830.T3C73 2015 | | Gothic fiction and the invention of terrorism : the politics and aesthetics of fear in the age of the reign of terror |
| PR4185.A2M38 2008 | | Aurora Leigh |
| PR4194.A94 2011 | | Elizabeth Barrett Browning |
| PR4231.K36 2007 | | The dramatic imagination of Robert Browning : a literary life |
| PR4331.C73 2009b | | The bard : Robert Burns, a biography |
| PR4388.L36 2012 | | The Cambridge introduction to Byron |
| PR4484.O94 2009 | | The Oxford handbook of Samuel Taylor Coleridge |
| PR6003.R4Z693 2015 | | Fatal glamour : the life of Rupert Brooke |
| PR6015.U9B65 1998 | | Brave new world |
| PR6017.S5S4 2013 | | A single man |
| PS228.V5V54 2015 | | The Vietnam War : topics in contemporary North American literature |
| PS648.S3B87 2008 | | Busted flush : a wild cards mosaic novel |
| PS3511.I9G7 2008b | | The great Gatsby |
| PS3551.N464Z46 2013 | | Mom & me & mom |
| PS3557.R5355S86 2002b | | The summons |
| PS3560.A44C78 2008 | | Cruel intent |
| PS3561.E667O5 2003 | | One flew over the cuckoo's nest |
| PS3562.E78F35 2015 | | The fall : a novel |
| PS3563.O8749Z55 2015 | | Toni Morrison and literary tradition : the invention of an aesthetic |
| PS3573.O5877P76 1996 | | The prophetess : a novel |
| PS3608.O832K58 2013 | | The kite runner |
| PS3614.E44573I45 2014 | | I'll give you the sun |
| PT7511.L3A813 1982 | | The atom station |
| PT8868.A39 2014 | | Hedda Gabler |
| PT9876.23.A49O7613 2011 | | The troubled man |
| PZ7.M845147Ple 2014 | | Please, Louise |
| Q1.N23B35 2015 | | Making Nature : the history of a scientific journal |
| Q181.D369 2013 | | Design, make, play : growing the next generation of STEM innovators |
| Q181.T35 2012 | | Empowering science and mathematics education in urban schools |
| QA76.5.L3776 2012 | | Learning to change the world : the social impact of one laptop per child |
| QA76.73.C154G75 2013 | | Programming C# 5.0 : [building Windows 8, Web, and desktop applications for the .NET 4.5 framework] |
| QA76.73.C154S46 2013 | | C# 5.0 all-in-one for dummies |
| QA76.73.C154S53 2013 | | Microsoft Visual C# 2013 step by step |
| QA76.76.A65B38 2015 | | Using apps for learning across the curriculum : a literacy-based framework and guide |
| QA76.9.C659K34 2014 | | Connected code : why children need to learn programming |
| QA135.6.A33 2014 | | Teaching math, science, and technology in schools today : guidelines for engaging both eager and reluctant learners |
| QA135.6.M378 2014 | | Mathematics for equity : a framework for successful practice |
| QA273.O46 2015 | | Probabilities : the little numbers that rule our lives |
| QD31.3.Z86 2016b | | Chemistry : an atoms first approach |
| QD31.3Z86 2012 | | Chemistry : an atoms first approach |
| QD33.2.G55 2012 | | Chemistry. |
| QD453.3.T759 2008 | | Chemistry : a molecular approach |
| QE28.3.W53 2013b | | Historical geology : evolution of earth and life through time |
| QH442.2.N495 2015 | | Cloning : a reference handbook |
| QL615.H37 2014 | | Fishes : a guide to their diversity |
| QL638.9.E24 2015 | | A pocket guide to sharks of the world |
| QL651.S783 2003 | | A field guide to western reptiles and amphibians |
| QM23.2.K54 2015 | | Human anatomy : a very short introduction |
| QP301.R38 2013 | | Spark : the revolutionary new science of exercise and the brain |
| QP572.T4H47 2015 | | Testosterone : sex, power, and the will to win |
| RA638.V334 2015 | | Vaccines and autoimmunity |
| RA784.B373 2014 | | Nutrition : a very short introduction |
| RC81.A2M39 2015 | | Mayo Clinic A to Z health guide |
| RC113.5.C67 2015 | | Human diseases from wildlife |
| RC537.S894 2014 | | My depression |
| RC552.P67F745 2015 | | Healing the traumatized self : consciousness, neuroscience, treatment |
| RJ506.A9B684 2013 | | Asperger's syndrome--that explains everything : strategies for education, life and just about everything else |
| RM301.12.V35 2015 | | Davis's drug guide for nurses |
| SD131.W38 2014 | | Trees, woods and forests : a social and cultural history |
| SH33.I94 1992 | | Aquaculture sourcebook : a guide to North American species |
| TD195.G3S74 2015 | | Shale gas and fracking : the science behind the controversy |
| TJ785.G37 2015 | | Gasoline engine management : systems and components |
| TX351.M6613 2015 | | Medieval tastes : food, cooking, and the table |
| TX837.D53 2013 | | The China study cookbook : over 120 whole-food, plant-based recipes |
| | | Business and Society : a strategic approach to social responsibility and ethics. 5th Ed. |
| | | Corporate Financial Accounting. 11th Ed. GCC Custom |
| | | IRC : international residential code for one and two family dwellings |
| | | Latino reader : Five Centuries of an American Literary Tradition |
| | | Marketing : an introduction. 12th Ed. |
| | | MySQL. 2nd Ed. |
| | | Nursing Made Incredibly Easy : Concussion in teenagers |
| | | Nursing Made Incredibly Easy : Get Ready! Pediatric disaster preparedness |