Glendale Community College Main Campus
New Titles May 2016

Anthropology, Geography, Recreation Bibliography, Library Science
Education Fine Arts
History: America History: General
Language, Literature, Popular Films Law
Medicine Military Science
Music Philosophy, Psychology, Religion
Political Science Science
Social Sciences Technology

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BPhilosophy, Psychology, Religion
BF353.5.C55S76 2015bookWhat we think about when we try not to think about global warming : toward a new psychology of climate action
BF575.L8S778 2014bookPsychology of love 101
BF575.T45S53 2014bookBullies : how the left's culture of fear and intimidation silences America
BF637.C45G45 1981bookGender and nonverbal behavior
BL2525.L585 2015bookThe lively experiment : religious toleration in America from Roger Williams to the present
BX4406.5.Z8L488 2016dvdThe letters
DHistory: General
DA197.F57 2004bookKings and lords in Conquest England
DA255.G58 2016bookHenry IV
DB2232.P744 2010bookThe Prague Spring and the Warsaw Pact invasion of Czechoslovakia, 1968 : forty years later
DS119.76.O45 2015bookThe two-state delusion : Israel and Palestine -- a tale of two narratives
DS204.B685 2015bookThe history of Saudi Arabia
DS371.412.K55 2015dvdThe kill team
DS379.W58 2012dvdWithout shepherds
DS493.3.M39 2015bookNepal
DS907.18.K5247 2014bookThe history of Korea
DT16.5.A327 2015bookAfrican diaspora in the cultures of Latin America, the Caribbean, and the United States
DT100.P47 2016bookThe history of Egypt
DU28.3.F57 2013bookA history of the Pacific Islands
DX115.M1948 2015bookThe Romani Gypsies
EHistory: America
E99.C5S6425 2015bookThe Cherokee diaspora : an indigenous history of migration, resettlement, and identity
E99.N3N38 2015bookNavajo alphabet : the Navajo sound system : vowels and consonants
E183.A68 2015bookBallots, bullets, and bargains : American foreign policy and presidential elections
E184.A1L623 2015bookThe emotional politics of racism : how feelings trump facts in an era of colorblindness
E184.A75L43 2015bookThe making of Asian America : a history
E184.K45M66 2005dvdMonkey dance
E185.97.P32H67 2013bookBlack revolutionary : William Patterson and the globalization of the African American freedom struggle
E302.A263 2016bookWritings from the new nation 1784-1826
E322.1.A38A33 2016bookLetters
E409.2.W56 1997bookMr. Polk's army : the American military experience in the Mexican War
E411.K32 1999bookDispatches from the Mexican War
E441.R28 2015bookEighty-eight years : the long death of slavery in the United States, 1777-1865
E813.T718 2012bookForeign aid and the legacy of Harry S. Truman
E907.S45 2014bookThe people vs. Barack Obama : the criminal case against the Obama administration
FHistory: America
F232.F2G54 2015bookA nation of nations : a great American immigration story
F390.C25 2014bookThe Texas Revolution and the U.S.-Mexican War : a concise history
F1418.M37295 2016bookA short history of U.S. interventions in Latin America and the Caribbean
F1788.C465 2015bookA history of the Cuban Revolution
GAnthropology, Geography, Recreation
GE195.Y473 2015dvdThe Yes Men are revolting
GN69.8.R67 2015bookDigging for the disappeared : forensic science after atrocity
GN407.W37 2013bookWaste matters : new perspectives of food and society
GV885.7.G56 2016bookChasing perfection : a behind-the-scenes look at the high-stakes game of creating an NBA champion
GV959.G385 2015bookBillion-dollar ball : a journey through the big-money culture of college football
GV1041.P53 2015bookThe complete practical encyclopedia of cycling : training, bike maintenance & racing : everything you need to know about cycling for fitness and leisure, training for both sport and competition, and the greatest races
GV1059.53.T35G6 2015dvdGo grandriders = 不老騎士
HSocial Sciences
HC79.E5G59147 2016bookGlobal sustainability
HC85.H44 2015bookNatural capital : valuing our planet
HC502.R633 2011bookHow Europe underdeveloped Africa
HD2425.D53bookNational trade and professional associations of the United States.
HD7125.A447 2015bookSocial security works! : why social security isn't going broke and how expanding it will help us all
HD8039.S45H36 2014dvdThe hand that feeds
HD9502.U52J659 2014bookA smarter, greener grid : forging environmental progress through smart policies and technologies
HD9940.A2P67 2015bookMarketing fashion : strategy, branding and promotion
HD9940.A2T78 2015xdvdThe true cost
HD9981.7.A6H37bookHarris Arizona services directory.
HE355.3.E3P48 2016bookThe road taken : the history and future of America's infrastructure
HF1413.5.B545 2016bookWar by other means : geoeconomics and statecraft
HF5548.4.M525M3744 2016bookTeach yourself visually Office 2016
HG4009.H66bookHoover's handbook of world business.
HG4057.A28617bookHoover's handbook of American business.
HM1126.A53 2015bookThe anatomy of peace : resolving the heart of conflict
HM1281.N343 2014bookThe nonviolence handbook : a guide for practical action
HQ27.S5193 2015bookSexting and cyberbullying : defining the line for digitally empowered kids
HQ75.4.B484R87 2014xdvdRuthie & Connie : every room in the house
HQ76.25.O987 2014bookThis is a book for parents of gay kids : a question & answer guide to everyday life
HQ76.3.U5K375 2001bookLove stories : sex between men before homosexuality
HQ536.D4297 2015bookHow we live now : redefining home and family in the 21st century
HQ755.8.G654 2015bookModern families : parents and children in new family forms
HQ759.915.S189 2016bookSingle-parent families
HQ777.35.F53 2010bookRaising twins : parenting multiples from pregnancy through the school years
HQ799.7.R66 2015bookAmerican hippies
HQ799.I5S46 2016bookThe end of karma : hope and fury among India's young
HQ1075.E363 2016bookThe gender creative child : pathways for nurturing and supporting children who live outside gender boxes
HQ1075.G34 2014bookThe gender communication connection
HV1437.C45H66 2014dvdThe homestretch
HV3006.A39M395 2015dvdRaising Renee
HV3013.Y43T56 2015bookEmmanuel's dream : the true story of Emmanuel Ofosu Yeboah
HV5132.W35 2005bookThe glass castle : a memoir
HV6431.E7694 2015bookEssentials of counterterrorism
HV6439.U5C678 2015bookCrips and Bloods : a guide to an American subculture
HV8073.M3327 2015bookForensics : what bugs, burns, prints, DNA, and more tell us about crime
HV8599.U6R44 2013dvdRefuge : caring for survivors of torture
HV9471.C645 2014bookColor behind bars : racism in the U.S. prison system
JPolitical Science
JC573.2.U6D57 2016bookWhy the right went wrong : conservatism-- from Goldwater to the Tea Party and beyond
JC599.U6A56 2014bookAin't gonna let nobody turn me around : forty years of movement building with Barbara Smith
JF1525.W45S66 2015bookThe Snowden reader
JK411.H543 2015bookTaking a stand : reflections on life, liberty, and the economy
JK521.K36 2015bookPrimary politics : everything you need to know about how America nominates its presidential candidates
JK522.N67 2015bookThe imperfect primary : oddities, biases, and strengths of u.s. presidential nomination politics
JS437.C86 2014bookAmerican politics in the postwar sunbelt : conservative growth in a battleground region
JV6600.T47 2015bookWhose child am I? : unaccompanied, undocumented children in U.S. immigration custody
KF220.M274 2014bookThe greatest criminal cases : changing the course of American law.
KF2980.E44 2016bookPatent, copyright & trademark : an intellectual property desk reference
KF3891.M2L43 2016bookThe legalization of marijuana
KF4550.Z9N368 2012bookThe freedom answer book : how the government is taking away your constitutional freedoms
KF4700.P39 2015bookMaking foreigners : immigration and citizenship law in America, 1600-2000
KF5050.N375 2014bookSuicide pact : the radical expansion of presidential powers and the lethal threat to American liberty
LB2350.5.M378 2016bookFollow your interests to find the right college
LB2369.G53 2016bookMLA Handbook
LB2805.G78 2015bookSchool culture rewired : how to define, assess, and transform it
LB2844.1.G39O645 2015bookOne teacher in ten in the new millennium : LGBT educators speak out about what's gotten better... and what hasn't
LC2731.H36 2016bookAdvancing Black male student success from preschool through Ph. D
ML160.G872 2014bookA history of western music
NFine Arts
NC750.R59 2013bookHow to draw : drawing and sketching objects and environments from your imagination
NC1001.H35 2011bookIllustration
ND237.P65B79 2013bookA splash of red : the life and art of Horace Pippin
PLanguage, Literature, Popular Films
P94.5.M552U665 2015bookHow racism and sexism killed traditional media : why the future of journalism depends on women and people of color
PE1114.C43 2015bookLet's review : English
PK2598.D37A27bookNepali visions, Nepali dreams : the poetry of Laxmiprasad Devkota
PK2598.L35C26 2015bookPorridge eaters & gruel drinkers : a Nepali poetry collection
PK2598.P3A7513 2007bookUnder the sleepless mountain
PK2598.S4Z68 2010bookThe life of Bhupi Sherchan : poetry and politics in post-Rana Nepal
PN45.K834 2016bookLiterary analysis : the basics
PN56.R52C66 2009bookEnigmas and riddles in literature
PN1995.9.N4B6 2016bookToms, coons, mulattoes, mammies, and bucks : an interpretive history of blacks in American films
PN1995.M3775 2016bookFilm theory : the basics
PN1997.2.B6633 2013dvdBombay Talkies
PN1997.2.C366 2014dvdCaptain America.
PN1997.2.R48 2016dvdThe revenant
PN1998.2.T86 2015bookA-Z great film directors
PN3377.C67 2013bookWriting children's fiction : a writers' and artists' companion
PN3377.H34 2011bookWriting young adult fiction for dummies
PN4973.R36A3 2016bookTake a stand : lessons from rebels
PN19975.9.S26.S736 2016dvdStar wars. Episode VII,
PR6052.R38A6 2014bookBitter waters
PR9199.3.H479I45 2016bookThe illegal : a novel
PR9199.4.H6535A6 2015bookFor your own good
PR9199.4.P59S24 2014bookA safe girl to love
PR9619.4.F73S77 2008bookStray dog winter : a novel
PS325.A466H43 2014bookHeavy in the game
PS490.C75 2016bookCritical survey of young adult literature
PS501.S85 vol.69bookWalking the clouds : an anthology of indigenous science fiction
PS3511.I9A6 2008bookThe curious case of Benjamin Button : and six other stories
PS3525.I486A7 2016bookThree novels of the early 1960s
PS3551.L397W6 1983bookThe woman who owned the shadows
PS3564.A94W35 2014bookThe walk-in closet
PS3566.A822N68 2011bookNow you see her : a novel
PS3570.A446R38 2007bookRaven eye : poems
PS3570.A567S33 1993bookSáanii Dahataał, the women are singing : poems and stories
PS3570.A92727D3 2014bookDeath comes for the deconstructionist : a novel
PS3572.I19B58 2014bookBlue ravens : historical novel
PS3572.I9S57 2010bookShrouds of White Earth
PS3572.I9T7 2005bookThe trickster of liberty : native heirs to a wild baronage
PS3573.O6427T79 2008bookTrue to the game III
PS3602.L55A89 2012bookThe armageddon letters : Kennedy, Khrushchev, Castro in the Cuban missile crisis
PS3604.A16D3 2015bookTributaries
PS3607.I434G57 2014bookGirls like us
PS3619.M5748A6 2014book[Insert] boy
PS3623.A8673R43 2014bookThe Red Bird All-Indian traveling band
PS3623.H57873L48 2015bookLetterrs
PZ7.1.G566Geo 2015bookGeorge
PZ7.A3744Wo 2015bookThe wonderful fluffy little squishy
PZ7.A37666Bac 2012bookBack to front and upside down!
PZ7.C381855Fat 2013bookFat Angie
PZ7.C88149Be 2012bookBeautiful music for ugly children
PZ7.D893635Mik 2014bookMikis and the donkey
PZ7.H9159Fi 2015bookFish in a tree
PZ7.K83518Po 2015bookThe porcupine of truth
PZ7.L46333Dog 2012bookA dog called Homeless
PZ7.M2954Twe 2010bookTwelve long months
PZ7.M3693Rai 2014bookRain reign
PZ7.M43542Mis 2013bookMister Orange
PZ7.M47397Sns 2012bookSomebody, please tell me who I am
PZ7.P4255Ou 2015bookOut of darkness
PZ7.T6458Unl 2015bookThe unlikely hero of room 13B
PZ7.V944My 2012bookMy family for the war
PZ8.H2563Han 2013bookHandbook for dragon slayers
QA37.H6 2014bookMathematics for the practical man, explaining simply and quickly all the elements of algebra, geometry, trigonometry, logarithms, coordinate geometry, calculus, with answers to problems
QA43.C655 2016bookCollege mathematics : CLEP* study guide.
QA43.J47 2013bookCollege placement math success in 20 minutes a day
QA43.U57 1999bookThe ultimate math refresher workbook.
QA43.Z45 2014bookBasic math & pre-algebra for dummies
QA76.73.P98M66 2016bookProgramming the Raspberry Pi : getting started with Python
QA76.76.R44C54 2010bookFlexible, reliable software : using patterns and agile development
QA76.8.R15J65 2015bookRaspberry Pi 2 : the ultimate beginners guide!
QA76.9.D32M84 2015bookMurach's MySQL
QA107.2.M66 2011bookBasic arithmetic
QA152.3.R87 2015bookPrealgebra
QA159.2.S753 2015bookAlgebra II for Dummies
QA276.12.D68 2009xbookBarron's E-Z statistics
QA276.F683 2007bookStatistics.
QA303.2.S74 2015bookMultivariable calculus
QA303.M338 2012bookVector calculus
QA445.R932 2008bookGeometry for dummies
QA459.L39 2014bookLet's review.
QA531.D683 2010bookBarron's E-Z trigonometry
QA611.C76 2016bookPrinciples of topology
QC31.L39 2015bookLet's review.
QC981.8.C53W43 2015dvdWeather gone wild
QD42.T37 2012bookLet's review.
QD172.R2V43 2015bookRare : the high-stakes race to satisfy our need for the scarcest metals on Earth
QD256.K54 2016bookOrganic chemistry as a second language
QH315.5.H86 2015bookLet's review : biology, the living environment
QH506.M6614 2015bookMolecular biology and biotechnology
QL83.R33 2014bookA boy and a jaguar
QL567.1.U6W55 2016bookThe bees in your backyard : a guide to North America's bees
QP143.L78 2014dvdLunch love community
QP251.H39 2014bookThe reproductive system at a glance
QR177.S87 2016bookSuperbugs
R690.S47 2015bookCareers in health care
RA644.T7.M285 2015bookDiscovering tuberculosis : a global history, 1900 to the present
RC48.8.C76 2014bookDiagnosis : rare disease
RC377.W443 2013dvdWhen I walk
RC533.P63 2016dvdPoached : when passion becomes obsession
RG133.M35 2013bookBe fruitful : the essential guide to maximizing fertility and giving birth to a healthy child
RM267.A574 2015dvdThe antibiotic hunters
RT55.C37 2016bookNCLEX-RN made ridiculously simple
T12.A72bookArizona industrial directory.
TD348.N49 2016bookThe global water crisis : a reference handbook
TK5105.8885.D54M45 2015bookDjango by example : create your own line of successful web applications with Django
TK5105.8885.D74M35 2016bookAdobe Dreamweaver CC : 2015 release
TS171.4.H46 2012bookDrawing for product designers
TX724.5.I4D39 2015bookThe indecisive chicken : stories and recipes from eight Dharavi cooks
UMilitary Science
U262.C53 2015bookAmerican covert operations : a guide to the issues
UB271.U52P47 2016bookThe new confessions of an economic hit man
UG630.B48 2016bookAir power : a global history
ZBibliography, Library Science
Z476.S54 2014bookThe insider's guide to a career in book publishing
bookCultural Psychology. 3rd Ed.
bookLet's review.
bookWorld Myth