| B53.G88 2015 | | What philosophy can do |
| BC177.N57 2015 | | Mindware : tools for smart thinking |
| BF201.C67 2015 | | The wandering mind : what the brain does when you're not looking |
| BF511.P793 2015 | | The psychology of compassion and cruelty : understanding the emotional, spiritual, and religious influences |
| BF575.A5E415 2015 | | Anger management for dummies |
| BF575.S39R65 2016 | | What to do when you're new : how to be comfortable, confident, and successful in new situations |
| BF575.S75M394 2015 | | The upside of stress : why stress is good for you, and how to get good at it |
| BF637.C5K564 2015 | | Modern hippie : an intuitive journey toward a free-spirited life |
| BF637.N66L34 2011 | | Lip service : smiles in life, death, trust, lies, work, memory, sex, and politics |
| BF698.M3437 2014 | | Personal intelligence : the power of personality and how it shapes our lives |
| BF712.T35 | | Taking sides. |
| BF818.B764 2015 | | The road to character |
| BF1091.L528 2015 | | Llewellyn's complete dictionary of dreams : over 1,000 dream symbols and their universal meanings |
| BF1571.G75 2003 | | Encyclopedia of Wicca & witchcraft |
| BH301.G7K38 2016 | | The art of grace : on moving well through life |
| BL2747.3.O94 2015 | | The Oxford handbook of atheism |
| BL2747.3.V59 2012 | | Voices of unbelief : documents from atheists and agnostics |
| BP50.H55 2015 | | Introduction to Islam : beliefs and practices in historical perspective |
| BP189.C36 2015 | | The Cambridge companion to Sufism |
| BP605.N46M325 2015 | | Witches of America |
| BR301.V65 2015 | | Voices of the Reformation : contemporary accounts of daily life |
| BR525.Y68 2016 | | We gather together : the religious right and the problem of interfaith politics |
| BT708.O94 2015 | | The Oxford handbook of theology, sexuality, and gender |
| CB358.M66 2015 | | The shape of the new : four big ideas and how they made the modern world |
| D767.25.H6M47 2011 | | The most controversial decision : Truman, the atomic bombs, and the defeat of Japan |
| D790.252 332nd.S74 2012 | | Tuskegee airmen |
| D804.3.S69 2015 | | Black earth : the holocaust as history and warning |
| D805.5.R38H45 2014 | | Ravensbrück : life and death in Hitler's concentration camp for women |
| D860.T357 | | Taking sides. |
| DA980.S74 2015 | | Rick Steves Ireland 2016 |
| DE59.V64 2012 | | Voices of Ancient Greece and Rome : contemporary accounts of daily life |
| DG77.E77 2015 | | The world of Ancient Rome |
| DK510.763.L365 2015 | | Putinism : Russia and its future with the West |
| DS135.G5B333 1999 | | An underground life : memoirs of a gay Jew in Nazi Berlin |
| DS463.M224 2015 | | The history of India |
| DS480.842.H35 2015 | | Midnight's furies : the deadly legacy of India's partition |
| DS907.18.K675 2014 | | Korean history in maps : from prehistory to the twenty-first century |
| E98.E85K45 2014 | | Tradition, performance, and religion in native America : ancestral ways, modern selves |
| E99.C5C668 2014 | | Trail of tears |
| E184.A1T338 | | Taking sides. |
| E184.A75L45 2014 | | A new history of Asian America |
| E185.61.W744 2013 | | Civil rights movement |
| F1219.3.A7M55 2012 | | The art of Mesoamerica : from Olmec to Aztec |
| F2509.5.F62 2016 | | Fodor's Brazil. |
| F2831.L69 2015 | | The history of Argentina |
| GT3405.M374 2016 | | Special event production. |
| GV706.32.M385 2015 | | White sports, black sports : racial disparities in athletic programs |
| GV706.5.N593 2016 | | Sport in a changing world |
| GV706.8.W55 2015 | | Weird sports and wacky games around the world : from Buzkashi to Zorbing |
| GV734.3.S36 2016 | | Careers in sports and fitness |
| GV875.A15M34 2015 | | A calculus of color : the integration of baseball's American League |
| GV1469.3.P37 2013 | | An illustrated history of 151 video games : a detailed guide to the most important games |
| HB75.S545 2016 | | The making of modern economics : the lives and ideas of the great thinkers |
| HC79.E5B3583 2015 | | Nature and wealth : overcoming environmental scarcity and inequality |
| HC110.P6E343 2015 | | $2.00 a day : living on almost nothing in America |
| HD69.T54T374 2015 | | Work simply : embracing the power of your personal productivity style |
| HD2340.8.L36 2015 | | Shadow work : the unpaid, unseen jobs that fill your day |
| HD9000.5.F5967 2013 | | Food security and sociopolitical stability |
| HD9502.A2H455 2015 | | The carbon crunch |
| HD9870.5.B43 2014 | | Empire of cotton : a global history |
| HF1118.G62 2015 | | Gmat premier 2016 |
| HF5381.L453 2015 | | Leave your mark : land your dream job, kill it in your career, rock social media |
| HF5438.25.S4775 2016 | | Careers in sales and marketing |
| HF5548.32.V54 2015 | | The age of cryptocurrency : how Bitcoin and digital money are challenging the global economic order |
| HF5621.S54 2014 | | Dictionary of accounting terms |
| HG151.D69 2014 | | Dictionary of finance and investment terms |
| HG173.8.M37 2016 | | Careers in finance |
| HG173.D66 2014 | | Barron's finance & investment handbook |
| HG1710.H363 2015 | | Handbook of digital currency : Bitcoin, innovation, financial instruments, and big data |
| HG4521.K29 2015 | | Other people's money : the real business of finance |
| HG4637.H57 2016 | | Stock trader's almanac 2016 |
| HM716.B66 2015 | | The power of others : peer pressure, groupthink, and how the people around us shape everything we do |
| HM846.H38 2014 | | Hacking h(app)iness : why your personal data counts and how tracking it can change the world |
| HM846.S362 2015 | | Data and Goliath : the hidden battles to collect your data and control your world |
| HM1033.T34 2016 | | Taking sides. |
| HN57.B653 2015 | | Radicals in America : the U.S. Left since the Second World War |
| HN90.S62H37 2015 | | A war for the soul of America : a history of the culture wars |
| HQ12.B47 2012 | | Sex and punishment : four thousand years of judging desire |
| HQ76.3.U5W35 2015 | | The straight line : how the fringe science of ex-gay therapy reoriented sexuality |
| HQ76.8.U5F33 2015 | | The gay revolution : the story of the struggle |
| HQ77.95.U6N87 2015 | | Becoming Nicole : the transformation of an American family |
| HQ784.I58G65 2015 | | Screen-smart parenting : how to find balance and benefit in your child's use of social media, apps, and digital devices |
| HQ796.I78 2011 | | Goths : a guide to an American subculture |
| HQ799.7.R66 2015 | | American hippies |
| HQ800.4.U6K56 2013 | | Going solo : the extraordinary rise and surprising appeal of living alone |
| HQ1206.T4676 2015 | | Covered in ink : tattoos, women, and the politics of the body |
| HQ1236.5.U6N47 2016 | | Broad influence : how women are changing the way America works |
| HQ1397.P65 2015 | | The only woman in the room : why science is still a boys' club |
| HS2330.K63G54 2009 | | The Ku Klux Klan : a guide to an American subculture |
| HT861.S375 2016 | | Slavery and human trafficking |
| HV40.S6464 2015 | | Social workers' desk reference |
| HV2474.R53 2014 | | The joy of signing : a dictionary of American signs |
| HV3004.M46 2016 | | Mental illness |
| HV6446.H393 2013 | | The Mafia : a guide to an American subculture |
| HV6529.L46 2015 | | Ghettoside : a true story of murder in America |
| HV6568.M57 K73 2016 | | Missoula : rape and the justice system in a college town |
| HV8141.P57 2016 | | Police brutality |
| JA84.U5N35 2014 | | The royalist revolution : monarchy and the American founding |
| JC599.U5U7 2016 | | The US Libertarian movement |
| JK271.T37 2015 | | Taking sides. |
| JV6600.T47 2015 | | Whose child am I? : unaccompanied, undocumented children in U.S. immigration custody |
| K5575.J86 2015 | | Juvenile justice in global perspective |
| KF4748.I76 1988 | | The courage of their convictions |
| KF4893.B76 2015 | | Voting rights under fire : the continuing struggle for people of color |
| KF8742.R46 2015 | | A constitutional history of the U.S. Supreme Court |
| KZ7145.C76 2014 | | War crimes, genocide, and justice : a global history |
| LA333.N4R87 2015 | | The prize : who's in charge of America's schools? |
| LB1775.2.S48 2016 | | Careers in education |
| LB1779.T42 2016 | | Teachers and ethics |
| LB2343.32.L495 2015 | | The her campus guide to college life : how to manage relationships, stay safe and healthy, handle stress, and have the best years of your life! |
| LB2345.3.R37S487 2016 | | Sexual assault on campus |
| LB2369.G53 2016 | | MLA Handbook |
| LB2369.W269 2016 | | Student research and report writing : from topic selection to the complete paper |
| LB2805.G78 2015 | | School culture rewired : how to define, assess, and transform it |
| LB2864.5.S35 2016 | | School safety |
| LB3013.3.W44 2014 | | Cyberbullying : causes, consequences, and coping strategies |
| LC3965.T34 | | Taking sides. |
| N71.5.G54 2014 | | Seeing the insane : a visual and cultural history of our attitudes toward the mentally ill |
| NA2555.S54 2016 | | Careers in architecture and construction |
| NA2850.H365 2015 | | The handbook of interior design |
| NK2637.A85 2007 | | Asian furniture : a directory and sourcebook |
| P91.6.C85 2015 | | Media career guide : preparing for jobs in the 21st century |
| PC4640.B5418 2015 | | Barron's visual dictionary English for Spanish speakers = Diccionario visual : Inglés para Hispanohablantes. |
| PC5333.O946 2015 | | Oxford Portuguese dictionary : Portuguese-English, English-Portuguese = Dicionário Oxford de Português : português-inglês, inglês-portugês |
| PE1479.B87L34 2015 | | Writing well for business success : a complete guide to style, grammar, and usage at work |
| PJ6640.O92 2014 | | Oxford Arabic dictionary : Arabic-English · English-Arabic |
| PL1455.L53 2015 | | Tuttle concise Chinese dictionary : Chinese-English, English-Chinese |
| PN1995.9.W6G744 2015 | | Stuntwomen : the untold Hollywood story |
| PN1998.3.H58A74 2015 | | Alfred Hitchcock |
| PR2892.C79 2015 | | Oxford illustrated Shakespeare dictionary |
| PR2894.F55 2015 | | Shakespeare basics for grown-ups : everything you need to know about the bard |
| PS3511.I9A6 2008 | | The curious case of Benjamin Button and other jazz age stories |
| PS3552.R685434I54 2014 | | Inferno : a novel |
| QA76.5.W4882 2015 | | How computers work : the evolution of technology |
| QA157.R78 2015 | | Let's review: algebra 1 |
| QA303.2.S723 2014 | | 1,001 pre-calculus practice problems for dummies |
| QB500.268.B65 2015 | | Expanding universe : photographs from the Hubble space telescope |
| QC6.W55 2015 | | A beautiful question : finding nature's deep design |
| QC16.B88A3 2015 | | Most wanted particle : the inside story of the hunt for the Higgs, the heart of the future of physics |
| QC903.D66 2016 | | Atlas of climate change : responsibility and obligation of human society |
| QC903.F63 2015 | | Atmosphere of hope : searching for solutions to the climate crisis |
| QC903.M368 2015 | | Don't even think about it : why our brains are wired to ignore climate change |
| QD257.W56 2014 | | Organic chemistry I for dummies |
| QE11.P69 2015 | | Four revolutions in the earth sciences : from heresy to truth |
| QL715.D56 2015 | | Peterson field guide to finding mammals in North America |
| QP144.F85R35 2015 | | The complete prebiotic & probiotic health guide : a vegetarian plan for balancing your gut flora + 175 recipes |
| R690.S47 2015 | | Careers in health care |
| RA395.A3B75 2015 | | America's bitter pill : money, politics, backroom deals, and the fight to fix our broken healthcare system |
| RA395.A3K385 2015 | | Ordinary medicine : extraordinary treatments, longer lives, and where to draw the line |
| RA425.C855 2014 | | Privileged presence : personal stories of connections in health care |
| RA776.9.T35 | | Taking sides. |
| RA781.7.L33 2015 | | 2,100 Asanas : the complete yoga poses |
| RA784.5.L68 2014 | | Toxin toxout : getting harmful chemicals out of our bodies and our world |
| RA784.B75 2015 | | The Blue Zones solution : eating and living like the world's healthiest people |
| RC280.B8B6642 2016 | | Breast cancer |
| RC440.T69 2014 | | Essentials of psychiatric mental health nursing : concepts of care in evidence-based practice |
| RC480.5T35 2014 | | Taking Sides. |
| RC535.P52 2015 | | Phobias : the psychology of irrational fear |
| RC659.S56 2014 | | Adrenal fatigue for dummies |
| RC801.C87 2016 | | Current diagnosis & treatment. |
| RJ506.D68J33 2016 | | The parent's guide to Down syndrome : advice, information, inspiration, and support for raising your child from diagnosis through adulthood |
| RM301.A32 2014 | | Pharmacology for nurses : a pathophysiologic approach |
| RM301.N88 2015 | | Nutritional supplements in sport, exercise and health : an A-Z guide |
| RM666.H33T635 2016 | | The Western herbal tradition : 2000 years of medicinal plant knowledge |
| RM727.T34W39 2013 | | The Harvard medical school guide to tai chi : 12 weeks to a healthy body, strong heart, and sharp mind |
| RT41.M488 2014 | | Medical-surgical nursing : assessment and management of clinical problems |
| RT48.6.A35 2014 | | Nursing diagnosis handbook : an evidence-based guide to planning care |
| RT120.I5J83 2015 | | Barron's CCRN Exam |
| T58.5.W55 2015 | | Careers in information technology |
| TA157.B294 2015 | | Is there an engineer inside you? : a comprehensive guide to career decisions in engineering |
| TD420.S36 2015 | | Connecting the drops : a citizens' guide to protecting water resources |
| TD791.S94 2014 | | Outsmart waste : the modern idea of garbage and how to think our way out of it |
| TJ163.2.P735 2015 | | Energy revolution : the physics and the promise of efficient technology |
| TJ808.T95 2015 | | Renewable energy resources |
| TL793.S659 2016 | | Space exploration |
| TP248.218.S98 2015 | | Careers in biotechnology |
| TR12.P515 2015 | | Photographer's market 2016 |
| TR154.J46 2016 | | Photography careers : finding your true path |
| TR267.F32 2015 | | The iPhone photographer : how to take professional photographs with your iPhone |
| TR660.R365 2015 | | The art, science, and craft of great landscape photography |
| TX553.A3E83 2015 | | Ingredients : a visual exploration of 75 additives & 25 food products |
| U262.C53 2015 | | American Covert Operations : A Guide to the Issues |
| Z1035.M396 2015 | | The mother of all booklists : the 500 most recommended nonfiction reads for ages 3 to 103 |