Glendale Community College North Campus
New Titles October 2017

Agriculture Anthropology, Geography, Recreation
Bibliography, Library Science Education
Fine Arts History: America
History: General Language, Literature, Popular Films
Law Medicine
Music Philosophy, Psychology, Religion
Political Science Science
Social Sciences Technology

Show All Formats | Book Book

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BPhilosophy, Psychology, Religion
B785.M24B455 2017bookBe like the fox : Machiavelli's lifelong quest for freedom
BF1078.B779 2016bookBig dreams : the science of dreaming and the origins of religion
BF1111.O94 2012bookThe Oxford handbook of hypnosis : theory, research, and practice
BF1571.O94 2014bookThe Oxford handbook of witchcraft in early modern Europe and colonial America
BL240.3.J66 2016bookCan science explain religion? : the cognitive science debate
BL2525.O94 2017bookThe Oxford handbook of religion and American politics
BP130.W55 2017bookWhat the Qur'an meant and why it matters
BR325.R76 2017bookMartin Luther : renegade and prophet
BR332.D6L884 2008bookMartin Luther's ninety-five theses and selected sermons.
BR333.3.O94 2016bookThe Oxford handbook of Martin Luther's theology
BR517.J67 2017bookSet in stone : America's embrace of the Ten Commandments
BX6235.K48 2015bookBaptists in America : a history
DHistory: General
D770.D48 2016bookThe Battle of the Atlantic : How the Allies Won the War
DA554.B18 2016bookVictoria The Queen : An Intimate Biography of the Woman Who Ruled an Empire
DC16.R533bookRick Steves' France.
DK510.763.G48 2017bookThe future is history : how totalitarianism reclaimed Russia
DK510.764.T63 2017bookNear abroad : Putin, the West and the contest over Ukraine and the Caucasus
DS39.3.K55 2016bookBlood year : the unraveling of Western counterterrorism
DS922.35.E25 2016bookPark Chung Hee and modern Korea : the roots of militarism 1866-1945
EHistory: America
E99.O8G675 2017bookKillers of the Flower Moon : the Osage murders and the birth of the FBI
E184.A1H3377 2017bookMaking sense of the alt-right
E184.A1N365 2017bookAlt-America : The Rise of the Radical Right in the Age of Trump
E185.615.L393 2017bookThe making of Black lives matter : a brief history of an idea
E185.86.A28 2017bookHave Black lives ever mattered?
E807.F68 2016bookThe four freedoms : Franklin D. Roosevelt and the evolution of an American idea
E908.G36 2017bookRising star : the making of Barack Obama
GAnthropology, Geography, Recreation
GV1469.34.V56 2018bookViolent video games and society
GV1779.O95 2014bookThe Oxford handbook of dance and the popular screen
HSocial Sciences
HC110.I5L563 2017bookThe captured economy : how the powerful enrich themselves, slow down growth, and increase inequality
HD1415.C665 2018bookCorporate farming
HD1691.P625 2018bookThe politics of water scarcity
HD2963.U24 2018bookUber, Lyft, Airbnb, and the sharing economy
HD4918.R54 2018bookThe right to a living wage
HD6060.6O94 2016bookThe Oxford handbook of gender in organizations
HF5385.B63 2017bookOne minute mentoring : how to find and work with a mentor--and why you'll benefit from being one
HM1216.P648 2018bookPolitical correctness
HQ31.D84 2017bookThe complete A to Z for your V : a women's guide to everything you ever wanted to know about your vagina: health, pleasure, hormones, and more
HQ536.R4338 2017bookCheap sex : the transformation of men, marriage, and monogamy
HQ1421.N37 2017bookNasty women : feminism, resistance, and revolution in Trump's America
HV4493.H6585 2018bookHomelessness and street crime
HV5824.W6K65 2015bookAddicted.pregnant.poor
HV6431.E5478 2016bookDoes terrorism work? : a history
HV6626.2.G45 2017bookIntimate violence and abuse in families
HV7436.G87748 2017bookGuns : conceal and carry
HV9469.M38 2018bookMass incarceration
JPolitical Science
JC328.3.C543 2018bookCivil disobedience
JC481.P372 2014bookFascism : a very short introduction
JF529.P63 2018bookThe political elite and special interests
JK467.D782017bookThe business of America is lobbying : how corporations became politicized and politics became more corporate
JK1987.R34 2017bookThe American nonvoter
JV6483.I5537 2018bookImmigration bans
JV6565.B67 2018bookThe border wall with Mexico
KF4541.K53 2016bookThe framers' coup : the making of the United States Constitution
KF9320.K57 2017bookDomestic abuse, child custody, and visitation : winning in family court
KF9345.W44 2018bookWhen is free speech hate speech?
LB2331.72.S55 2016bookPassing on the right : conservative professors in the progressive university
LB2353.67.A33 2016bookAccuplacer : 350 test prep questions for the Accuplacer exam.
LC2670.6.G37 2014bookThe Latino generation : voices of the new America
ML3524.O98 2017bookThe Oxford handbook of country music
ML3916.O965 2018bookThe Oxford handbook of music censorship
NFine Arts
NA9347.S46 2016bookMemorials to shattered myths : Vietnam to 9/11
NX180.R4O94 2014bookThe Oxford handbook of religion and the arts
PLanguage, Literature, Popular Films
P96.C74T75 2017bookTrial by internet
P211.S455 2017bookThe handy communication answer book
P306.H68 2018bookTranslation
PN1683.F54 2017bookThe 36 dramatic situations
PN1996.J47 2017bookBreaking in : tales from the screenwriting trenches
PR990O94 2013bookThe Oxford handbook of children's literature
PR6013.O35L649 2008bookWilliam Golding's Lord of the flies
PR6039.O32B6 1992bookThe book of lost tales
PR6069.M4213A92 2017bookAutumn
PS615.B474bookThe Best American poetry.
PS648.S58T35 2017bookTales of two Americas : stories of inequality in a divided nation
PS2631.M48 2000bookEdgar Allan Poe : his life and legacy
PS3556.E489A6 2017bookHeating & cooling : 52 micro-memoirs
PS3566.R697B37 2017xbookBarkskins : a novel
PS3607.Y37H66 2016bookHomegoing
PS3611.O135L43 2017bookThe leavers
QA76.15.D526 2016bookA dictionary of computer science
QA76.K428 2017bookUnderstanding the digital world : what you need to know about computers, the Internet, privacy, and security
QH437.Y36 2016bookThe society of genes
QL653.A6B73 2006bookA field guide to amphibians and reptiles in Arizona
QM25.A74 2016bookThe human body atlas : how the human body works
QP34.5.N67 2017bookAnatomy & physiology
QP41.W268 2017bookPhysiology at a glance
QP376.W46 2017bookThe brain : what everyone needs to know
QR360.R66 2016bookVirus
RA786.K79 2017bookThe mystery of sleep : why a good night's rest is vital to a better, healthier life
RB37.K46 2017bookNursing laboratory and diagnostic tests demystified
RC372.W95 2016bookCleveland Clinic guide to epilepsy : essential reading for families
RC394.C7K88 2017bookBack in the game : why concussion doesn't have to end your athletic career
RC483.P735 2014bookClinical psychopharmacology made ridiculously simple
RC514.D45 2017book100 questions & answers about schizophrenia : painful minds
RC552.P67R4845 2018bookReturning soldiers and PTSD
RC569.B47 2016bookSuicide prevention
RC606.64.L58 2016bookLiving a healthy life with HIV
RC902.O28 2017bookThe renal system at a glance
RF123.B245 2017bookThe ear book : a complete guide to ear disorders and health
RG525.M87 2016bookWhat to expect when you're expecting
RG852.K448 2017bookDepression in new mothers : causes, consequences, and treatment alternatives
RJ496.A5M365 2013bookThe everything parent's guide to children with dyslexia : learn the key signs of dyslexia and find the best treatment options for your child
RJ496.C4M53 2017bookCerebral palsy : a complete guide for caregiving
RJ506.B44B737 2015bookDiscipline : the Brazelton way
RJ506.D4M66 2015bookAdolescent depression : a guide for parents
RJ506.S44H635 2017bookHelping teens who cut : using DBT skills to end self-injury
RJ506.S55W45 2015bookHealthy sleep-habits, happy child : a step-by-step program for a good night's sleep
RM315.W46 2015bookYour brain on food : how chemicals control your thoughts and feelings
RT21.D537 2017bookA dictionary of nursing
SF41.K553 2017bookPersonalities on the plate : the lives and minds of animals we eat
SF285.H7485 2016bookThe horse encyclopedia
TD195.G3F695 2018bookFracking
TP248.65.F66L36 2016bookWhat's so controversial about genetically modified food?
TR146.D27 2017bookThe photographer's black & white handbook : making and processing stunning digital black and white photos
ZBibliography, Library Science
Z658.U5B35 2018bookBanned books
bookBasic College Mathematics with Early Integers 3rd Ed.