Glendale Community College North Campus
Book New Titles February 2020

Anthropology, Geography, Recreation Bibliography, Library Science
Education History: America
Language, Literature, Popular Films Law
Medicine Philosophy, Psychology, Religion
Political Science Social Sciences

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BPhilosophy, Psychology, Religion
BF456.N7K56 2020bookNumerical cognition
EHistory: America
E444.B38 2019bookStolen : five free boys kidnapped into slavery and their astonishing odyssey home
E901.1.R53A3 2019bookTough love : my story of the things worth fighting for
E912.W376 2019bookA warning
E914.T77B46 2019bookFree, Melania : the unauthorized biography
FHistory: America
F213.H768 2019bookSpying on the South : an odyssey across the American divide
F788.M33 2018bookThe Grand Canyon : between river and rim
GAnthropology, Geography, Recreation
GE146.E57 2020bookEnvironmental catastrophe
GV706.35.A84 2020bookAthlete activism
HSocial Sciences
HB3505.G58 2020bookAmerica's changing demographics
HD6060.3.K36 2019bookShe said : breaking the sexual harassment story that helped ignite a movement
HD6508.L2353 2020bookLabor unions and workers' rights
HF1379.F3373 2020bookFair trade
HM671.P752 2020bookPrivilege in America
HM746.M63 2020bookMob rule or the wisdom of the crowd?
HQ32.S397 2020bookSexual consent
HQ1075.E246 2020bookGender in the 21st century
HQ1236.5.U6M67 2019bookSee Jane win : the inspiring story of the women changing American politics
HV6556.M48 2020bookThe #MeToo movement
HV6626.52.C557 2019bookChild abuse sourcebook : basic consumer health information about child neglect and the physical, sexual, and emotional abuse of children, including abusive head trauma, bullying, Munchausen Syndrome by proxy, statutory rape, incest, educational neglect, exploitation, and the long-term consequences of child maltreatment, featuring facts about risk factors, prevention initiatives, reporting requirements, legal interventions, child protective services, and therapy options; along with information for parents, foster parents, and adult survivors of child abuse, a glossary of related terms, and directories of additional resources.
HV6626.F565 2020bookDomestic violence and abuse : a reference handbook
HV8593.D544 2020bookTorture and enhanced interrogation : a reference handbook
JPolitical Science
JC573.2.U6B67 2018bookThe corrosion of conservatism : why I left the right
JC574.2.U6W44 2019bookTipping points : how to topple the Left's house of cards
JV6483.H86 2020bookHuman migration
KF4774.F743 2020bookFreedom of the press
LB2342.S864 2020bookStudent debt
LC4705.L434 2019bookLearning disabilities sourcebook : basic consumer health information about dyslexia, dyscalculia, dysgraphia, speech, language, and communication disorders, auditory and visual processing disorders, and other conditions that make learning difficult, including attention deficit hyperactivity disorder, Down syndrome and other chromosomal disorders, fetal alcohol spectrum disorders, hearing and visual impairment, autism and other pervasive developmental disorders, and traumatic brain Injury; along with facts about diagnosing learning disabilities, early intervention, the special education process, assistive technology, and accommodations, and guidelines for life-stage transitions, suggestions for coping with daily challenges, a glossary of related terms, and a directory of additional resources.
PLanguage, Literature, Popular Films
P91.25.M3645 2020bookMedia studies : the basics
PN4874.R49A3 2019bookPrisoner : my 544 days in an Iranian prison--solitary confinement, a sham trial, high-stakes diplomacy, and the extraordinary efforts it took to get me out
PR6113.O94G59 2019bookThe giver of stars
PR9639.4.M668C55 2019bookCilka's journey
PS3553.H584T78 2019bookTrust exercise : a novel
PS3558.O3447W67 2019bookThe world that we knew : a novel
PS3566.A7756D88 2019bookThe Dutch house : a novel
PS3569.A516B58 2019bookBloody genius
PS3569.H3387Z46 2019bookInheritance : a memoir of genealogy, paternity, and love
PS3569.M53787Z46 2019bookYear of the monkey
PS3569.O6547Z767 2019bookSontag : her life and work
PS3573.A425C6 2019bookThe color purple
PS3573.H4768N53 2019bookThe nickel boys : a novel
PS3602.R6458Y45 2019bookThe yellow house
PS3603.E67T48 2019bookThings you save in a fire
PS3604.E58657P38 2019bookPatsy : a novel
PS3611.O74948C35 2018bookThe calculating stars
PS3615.W447W48 2018bookWhere the crawdads sing
PS3623.A35675D66 2019bookA door in the earth
PT8951.21.N38M5713 2018bookMy struggle. Book six
PZ7.S47957Fou 2019bookThe fountains of silence : a novel
RA395.A3U588 2020bookUniversal health care
RA638.V27 2020bookVaccination
RC454.4.A45 2020bookAmerica's mental health crisis
RF59.E18 2019book
RM324.8.M43 2020bookMedical use of illicit drugs
ZBibliography, Library Science
ZA4237.D36 2020bookThe dark web