IFS Classes

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Sign up for Information in a Post Truth World (IFS201)

IFS Class dates: 10/21-12/13--Register for Class #25989 today!

Have you ever watched a video online or read a social media post and wondered if it was accurate? Or realized you shared unreliable information? Misinformation and disinformation are serious but not new problems in the world of news and information sharing. IFS201 helps you identify and understand:

  • Conspiracy theories
  • Algorithmic bias
  • “Both-sides-ism”
  • Facts vs. opinions in news reporting
  • Propaganda
  • Censorship
  • Logical Fallacies

We don’t just learn these concepts, we apply the concepts to current events and help you better understand where information originates and how to evaluate your role in how it gets distributed. How do you trust a source? Can you spot the difference between a fact and an opinion in the news? Can you argue better (or even think better!) if you know what logical fallacies are? Take IFS201 and find out!

Want more information about IFS201? Let us know here!

Student Feedback:

  • "The course was a new concept and I liked it.I think the class was great and had a good balance of the material, I didn't feel over consumed on one part of the material."
  • "Coming into the course I honestly had no idea what exactly I'd be learning about but now that it is wrapping I've found it super interesting. Just learning about certain things being copyrighted or plagiarized. Also, seeing and learning ways to filter what is fake news. I think the material that was used was great material."
  • "The work we have to do pushes me to learn more about the subjects we’re learning. It's been an interesting subject to read and make connections about it."
  • "I think what is helping me learn in the class is simply that the topics covered are interesting and have good practicality in the world. The topics do a good job in outlining that."
  • "It really is informative and will help with everyday life."
  • "This course has had great opportunity for engagement and learning -- more than other online classes I've taken."
  • "This has been a really good refresher class for me."
  • "I really like the grading structure and style of the class."
  • "The assignment and material were laid out well. I appreciated that the course was based on effort."
  • "I've never taken a class that utilizes the kind of grading system used in this one, but I actually really like it! I feel like it enforces the fact that we're meant to be absorbing and understanding the material rather than just memorizing it."
  • "I loved it was very informative of how to handle the new world of information and disinformation. All and all, it was an awesome class and I enjoyed learning from it."
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