Accessing Online Content: On-Campus vs. Off-Campus

The library has access to an extraordinary amount of online resources, including thousands of ebooks and streaming video and millions of newspaper, magazine, reference, and scholarly articles. Moreover, you can access our online resources either on campus or from the comfort of your own home 24 hours a day, 365 days a year. From on campus in the library or at any of our computer labs, you can simply click on the link to a resource and you will be directly taken to that item. From off campus, you will simply need to log in with your MEID username and password. Below are illustrations, detailing the difference:

Accessing Resources On Campus

Illustration: On campus, clicking on the title of an online item will take you to the item.

Accessing Resources Off Campus

Illustration: Off campus, clickin on the title of an online item will take you to an MEID login prompt and then to the item.