Basic Information about Databases
So far, we have shown different ways in which you can search for information through our library search box. However, there are other search methods to find library resources that are also very effective. One of these methods is searching for information through a library database.
What is a Database?
Databases are large online collections of information. At the GCC Library, we subscribe to around one-hundred different databases covering a wide range of subject areas and content types.
What are Some Advantages of Using a Database over the Library Search Box?
Because databases often specialize in a particular subject area or type of information, there are many advantages in using databases over the Library Search Box. Oftentimes, search tools and limiters are designed with just the subject of the database in mind making them more powerful at finding the results that you need. As well, searching a subject specific database can better narrow your search results to just the subject area in which you are interested.
What Types of Databases Are There?
We have all different types of databases. Most databases focus around a particular academic discipline such as literature, art, science, or nursing. As well, others focus on a particular type of information. For instance, the database Gale Virtual Reference focuses on reference articles gathered from encyclopedias and dictionaries, while Proquest National Newspapers focuses on newspaper articles. Other databases focus on scholarly articles, data, visual images, and more.