Enter in your results 

You've Finished! Hooray!

Please do the following below:


1. Submit your results---click on the "Email Score" button so we can track everyone's progress.

(Clicking on "Email Score" will send your score to the GCC Library email address NOT to your personal or student email.)

2. Print off your certificate for your class---click on "Print Certificate" so you get credit for completing this tutorial.

(Clicking on "Print Certificate" will provide a certificate with your name, but it will NOT include your score.)


3. Print off your score---click on "Print Score Summary"so your instructor can see what a library whiz you are!

(Clicking on "Print Score Summary" if you want your certificate to include your name AND your score.



Remember: In order to do any of this you must enter a name and have gotten 70 percent or better on your quiz score. You can improve your score by returning to the beginning of the quiz and re-answering the questions, OR, you can re-take only those questions that you got wrong .


Need help with the tutorial? Call the library reference desk at the

Main Campus: (623) 845-3112

North Campus: (623) 888-7112

After finishing this lesson, complete the form below:

Type your name or identifier: